Contribution de Pierre Dardot au livre collectif : The Commons and a New Global Governance Edward Elgar Publishing 2018
This chapter is based on the keynote lecture I gave at the University of Leuven on 23 February 2016 during the International Conference ‘Global Commons, Global Public Goods and Global Democracy’. In my latest book co- written with my colleague Christian Laval, and entitled Commun: Essai sur la révolution au XXIe siècle (2014), I claim that the ‘common’, in contrast to global public goods (GPGs) (Kaul et al., 1999), implies a collective production of a good that is not up for appropriation. I suggest that the ‘common’ could be an alternative to current international economic policies and could have, in that sense, important repercussions on democracy in the global arena. In this chapter, I expand on this premise and try to outline the democracy of the global commons.